PhDnet Survey
Acquire knowledge to improve the conditions of doctoral education, to foster scientific exchange and to strengthen academic solidarity.
The PhDnet conducts annual surveys with current doctoral researchers (DRs) within the Max Planck Society (MPS). These surveys provide an invaluable body of data that allows the PhDnet to make informed decisions about how to serve DRs and strengthen our relationship to the MPS General Administration.
The PhDnet is closely involved with commissions and committees that will affect the direction of the MPS and hence current and future DRs. These include regular meetings with the MPS General Administration, with the Section Chairs, and with influential people external to the MPS.
For the voices of DRs to be heard, we must present reliable statistics which back up our positions. In the past, the survey has been integral to many improvements for DRs, including raising the number of holidays within the doctoral employment contract (the “Fördervertrag”) from 20 to 30 days and increasing awareness of mental health issues of DRs.
The survey helps us to help you.
The survey couldn’t be run without the help of the Survey Group. They compile and set up the survey questions, analyse the survey data and write reports. Moreover, the survey group always welcomes new members! If you have questions regarding the reports or you're interested to join the team, contact them here.